Sunday, 31 May 2015

Posted by WORLD NEWS 24/7 |

Internet Addiction

Computer has brought resolution in the life of men. It is a very useful invention which has facilitated a number of tasks like composing, programming, addition, deletion, division, multiplication and what not. It throws away the required information instantly. It is man’s mind which has invented computer. Now it does different jobs of baffling nature most accurately and that too within fraction of a second. It provides useful information from different websites to man. The advantages of computer cannot be short-listed. If correct data is fed to the computer, it throws away correct answers. Internet is an offshoot of computer: Internet is an offshoot of computer. It connects you with different people in different parts of the world. Especially the young boys and girls are seen contacting their counterparts in other countries of the world. Friendships are made through internet. Sometimes fake, sometimes real. Boys and girls often are seen chatting their counterparts through internet. Internet is a source of great attraction to young boys/girls, who spend considerable time on it. They develop a big fascination for internet which gets them connected to their friends inside/outside the country. They spend a lot of time on internet to pursue their typical interests. One is reminded of the following verse of Ghalib: “One yearns for those moments of leisure to make one sit in meditation while Conjuring up the vision of one’s beloved.”
Advantages of Internet:
Internet becomes a sort of addiction with the young boys and girls, who are fond of discovering their counterparts in home and foreign countries. They spend hours together on playing with the internet. They develop a sort of craze for the internet. Most of their time is consumed in playing upon the internet. Their studies suffer endlessly. While there is no harm in operating the internet, too much craze or obsession is not desirable.

Disadvantages of internet:
Some boys and girls glean certain type of information from the internet, which is in a sketchy form. They are inclined to sideline the books/ journals which could provide them the authentic information. The craze for internet has opened up short-cuts to students, which is not healthy from the viewpoint of acquiring sound knowledge. There are many cases of being dodged through internet. Sometimes, our educated jobless boys are beguiled by foreigners under the garb of jobs, nationality and what not.

The leisure if available to students, businessmen and common people is mostly smoked by internet. The other engagements of leisure receive a setback. The leisure time may be devoted to internet, but other avenues of social recreation may not be neglected. Internet should not be allowed to get on one’s nerves though it may be used as and when required. Last but not least, Use internet with mature sense. It mugs up the user as one is lost in rushed market and diverts attention from the main target.
Posted by WORLD NEWS 24/7 |

Women Education

Women are more than fifty per cent of the population. They play an important role in the society. It is necessary to enlighten them with education. The government has taken certain steps for providing education to girls from primary to higher level but still a lot is required to be done.
Women without education:
Education for girls is necessary on many grounds. The main reason is that human resources cannot be properly utilized without education. Whether women opt for jobs or not, education is necessary for them. If they are doing jobs, they prove useful to the family. If they are educated but are not doing jobs, they are useful in many ways. Women have multidimensional relation: The main role of women in practical life is of wife and mother. If she is educated, she can become a helping hand to her husband. If she is illiterate, she cannot keep pace with the situation. As a mother, she is of great help to her family. She can guide and teach her children in better way.

Inadequate facilities for women education:
Facilities given to girls in cities are not adequate. If we compare the number of schools and colleges for boys and those for girls, we will feel a striking difference. Statistical data clearly indicates that girls are more in number than boys. But as far as the educational facilities for girls are concerned, they are limited. This is not justice.
More institutions are required for women education:
To cope with the problem, shift-system can be introduced in schools. Girls can be taught in the boy’s schools and colleges in the second shift. This measure will prove economical. In fact, co-education does not suit our conditions. Otherwise, there would have been no problem at all. Stipends, loans should be offered for women education: An important problem in this regard is that people cannot afford sending all their children to school. Then the line is drawn at the girls. They are mostly deprived of this incentives can be given to attract people.
Stipends, scholarships, donations and easy loans can be offered. If job opportunities are guaranteed after the successful completion of the courses, a great number of women will like to get education. In the beginning, there may be difficult. But then everything will be streamlined. The government should take certain planned steps to overcome these problems. Otherwise a lot of talent and human resource will go waste.